Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Ties Update ~

Good news has found its way to my family, or specifically to my mother. My Celiac doc discovered that she does NOT have Celiac Disease! We were all very surprised and pleased to receive this news and happy to know that more than likely my mom was just suffering from a strange stomach virus.

I'm very happy for her, of course, but now the mystery still looms over what side of the family and where my celiac genes originated from. I'm so hoping that one day this information will be revealed to me, but in the meantime, we celebrate the fact that my dear mother can still drink a Guinness!

I received an endearing comment regarding my original Family Ties post from a reader. This person was just very recently diagnosed with celiac disease and expressed their anxiety and feelings of loss over gluten - it's so understandable and part of the process. There's a definite transformation that takes place in one's life after they are diagnosed. It's not a simple process; it takes years of learning and self-education and a daily dose of positive encouragement from either one's self, or from a supportive person in your life...or perhaps, just from this little blog.

I visited my celiac doc last week for my annual blood test and check up and we were discussing my nine year anniversary of diagnosis that happened on April 14th! Wow...time flies, yet in a sense, it feels as though I've always lived gluten-free. I was expressing to Dr. Yamamoto how even after nine years as a celiac, the journey is still daunting at times, yet also wonderful. I told him that I'm constantly learning new things, as well as making mistakes or others making mistakes with my meals when I eat out, leading to poisoning. He told me it's all part of living this way. However, he did share the fact that things are moving rapidly regarding celiac research and that he's very hopeful there will be some type of "treatment" coming in the near future.

And one last's a new article regarding Who is at Risk for Celiac - pass this information along to friends and family members. The more who are informed, the better off we all will be.

Happy Wednesday ~

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