Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Season of Growth...

The Courage of the Seed ~

"All the buried seeds
crack open in the dark
the instant they surrender
to a process they can't see."
- Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo is truly one of my most favorite poets/philosophers and his journey is remarkable, as are his words that spring to life creating images and understandings like no other writer I have known - he is blessed and gifted. Though his life's journey has been filled with struggle, light and dark, it's what shapes his voice and gives life to the tremendous wisdom which he is able to convey by simply putting pen to paper. Every morning I begin my day reading his "The Book of Awakening," which offers daily spiritual guidance and short lessons that inspire and ask us to look a bit deeper inward as we rise to meet each day. He's simply amazing...period. Which is the reason why I had to share this reading from April 5th titled "The Courage of the Seed." It's so appropriate as we move into spring and watch nature take the lead so effortlessly, showing us all the way towards opening and crawling out of our darkness or hibernation.

What a powerful lesson is the beginning of spring. All around us, everything small and buried surrenders to a process that none of the buried parts can see. And this innate surrender allows everything edible and fragrant to break ground into a life of light that we call spring.

In nature, we are quietly given countless models of how to give ourselves over to what appears dark and hopeless, but which ultimately is an awakening that is beyond all imagining. This moving through the dark into blossom is the threshold to God.

Mark's reading and the flowers budding all around me now reminded me of my own growth and journey, much of the path directly influenced and affected by my Celiac diagnosis which will be 11 years this week. Wow. I've mentioned this before during the life of this blog, but reflecting back now over a decade of life sans gluten is quite something to take in. There are days when I seriously feel ten years younger than my birth certificate verifies, given that for a decade I struggled so seriously to stay alive before my diagnosis. AKA...I want the ten years back - ha! Therefore, the month of April is a reminder of new life for me...the day someone finally handed me the answer I so desperately needed in order to live! Many still ask me, "oh, isn't it so hard to live and eat the way you have to,"...The answer is yes and no, as many of you will understand. But I've always chosen to see my diagnosis of Celiac Disease as a blessing, not a curse; that's how I live.

What's most remarkable now is the abundance of support, products and options for us gluten-intolerant that have sprouted (sorry, I had to use that word) in the last decade. For the most part, it's really great and I just hope in some tiny way, as a "pioneer" so to speak, I've been able to help a few Celiacs who've show up with that "deer-in-headlights" look upon initial diagnosis, or at least been able to spread the word about how serious and life-changing this autoimmune disease really is.

I hope that's the truth.

The abundance of app, tools, recipes and blogs dedicated to gluten-free living is remarkable, and the further I research and the more public relations work I do for gluten-free clients, the wider my eyes become, in awe of the GF market that's flourishing. A client of mine, Find Me Gluten Free, just this week officially announced their new app for iPhone and Android dedicated to helping users find gluten-free friendly businesses and products. It's very cool and has received great response, proving once again the need for gluten-free information and the power of sharing the news. Pass it along and keep the information highway moving towards solid and accurate reporting about Celiac Disease vs. the fad of gluten-free diets that abound.

Happy Easter season everyone...remember to Bloom where you are planted!

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